ARM Cortex M3 documentation
ARM Cortex M3 documentation is available on different levels of detail:
- Olimex sell ARM based development boards based on among others STMMicroelectronics devices. They provide documentation for their development boards. The documentation focus on what components are included on the development board and how they fit together.
- STMicroelectronics manufacture and sell ARM based microcontrollers. They provide detailed documentation for their devices, but they may leave some information out that is generic for all ARM based devices.
- ARM Holdings provide detailed documentation regarding the ARM processor core and the underlying ARM architecture which the processor is based on. They do not manufacture devices themselves. Instead they sell licenses to other companies such as STMicroelectronics.
Development Board (STM32-H103)
Documentation about the STM32-H103 development board is available from Olimex and other companies selling Olimex products.
- Olimex STM32-H103 Product Information
- STM32-H103 users’s manual
- Electrokit STM32-H103 Product Information
Microcontroller Unit (STM32F103RBT6)
Documentation about the STM32F103RBT6 microcontroller is available from STMicroelectronics.
Product Information
- STM32F10xxx Programming Manual
- STM32F103xx Reference Manual
- STM32F10xxx Flash memory microcontrollers
Processor (Cortex-M3)
Documentation about the ARM Cortex-M3 and the ARM Architecture Reference Manual ARMv7-M are available from ARM:
Production Information
- Cortex-M3 Devices Generic User Guide
- Cortex-M3 Processor Technical Reference Manual - “For system designers, system integrators, verification engineers and software programmers who are building a Cortex-M3 based SoC.”
- The ARMv7-M Architecture Reference Manual (Requires ARM Login to download) - “This manual has been written for engineers implementing ARM processors, porting operating systems, or writing development tools, who require detailed information on the ARMv7-M architecture.”