My name is Jacob Mossberg. I work as a software developer within mobile app and embedded systems. I live in Gothenburg, Sweden. More information can be found on LinkedIn.
- Travel report to Meeting C++ 2018
- Travel report to Meeting C++ 2017
- Talk at Foss-gbg about running C bare metal on ARM Cortex M3
- Run a C program bare bone on an ARM Cortex M3
- Run a C program bare metal on an ARM Cortex M3
- Use GDB on an ARM assembly program
- Run a minimalistic program written in assembler on STM32-H103 development board
- Using OpenOCD to flash ARM Cortex M3
- Travel report to Meeting C++ 2016
- Test Driven Development (TDD) Course For Embedded Projects
- ARM Cortex M3 documentation
- Google Test/Google Mock with Eclipse CDT and Cmake